Ancient Egypt Studies Group Launches Activities with Lecture on Valley of the Kings

In mid-October some sixty-five enthusiasts and researchers of ancient Egypt came to Marylhurst College in Portland, OR, to enjoy a slide talk on "Re-Exploring the Valley of the Kings" given by Dr. Donald Ryan, an archaeologist associated with the Humanities Department of Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma. Dr. Ryan presented a history of exploration in the Valley of the Kings as well as findings from his own excavations in the area.

This was the first activity sponsored of the newly formed Ancient Egyptian Studies Association. The organization has slated an introductory course in Egyptian Hieroglyphs beginning in January at Portland Community College and a lecture by T.G.H. James, retired Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities of the British Museum,to be held at Marylhurst in April.

Special thanks to Ron Tatum and the Humanities Marylhurst for sponsoring these scholarly events.

For furtherinformation about the Association and its activities contact: George Joseph ( or (503) 774-4732 and DeeAnn Hoff ( or (503) 682-3920.

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